Many business owners realize too late that the value of their business is not what they need to meet their retirement goals/financial objectives.

Evaluate the Timing

  • If you must sell, then you will need to adjust your objectives to to accept a lower price.
  • If you have three to five years prior to the sale, you have time to grow the business and improve processes.

Find Help

  • There are business consultants who specialize in business growth and preparing a business for sale.
  • Of course, you the owner, must have the skills, discipline, time, focus and determination to help plan and execute the strategy.
  • The strategy starts with a "Needs Assessment" that is the basis of the growth and process improvement roadmap.
  • Process improvements may include building, training, documenting, reviewing and improving systems around quality, safety, communications, human resources, production, maintenance, sales, logistics, etc.

Identify Value Drivers

  • Clean and accurate financial information.
  • Sales history is trending upwards and not at the expense of margins. 
  • You have "barriers to entry" that give you a competitive advantage.
  • You, the owner, are the strategist and visionary, but not required for day-to-day operations. 
  • You have systems and documentation throughout your business to help your staff meet operational objectives. 

Baby Steps

For companies less than $2 to $3 million in revenue it may be too costly to afford a consultant; however, it is never too early to start working on improving the key value drivers.